“Sometimes animals come in and you’re just at a loss for words. This is one of those times.” That’s how Harris County Animal Shelter described Radar when the tiny “Ewok-looking” dog came in to their shelter.
His owner dropped him off and asked him to be euthanized, telling them he was 20 years old and should be put down because he was having diarrhea and vomiting.
“It’s pretty easy to see that Radar is terrified, confused and wondering where anything familiar went,” they said after sharing a video of him in their shelter. “So this guy sits and waits all alone. Does he know he doesn’t have much time? Is he desperately searching for his owner?”
“We’re going to be really honest. We don’t know if we can save him,” they continued. “He hasn’t been seen by a vet and maybe they’ll decide that euthanasia is the best choice to end his suffering. Maybe we can get enough donations so a rescue can tag him and let him pass surrounded by dignity and love. We don’t know how much time he has left, but we think he deserves a peaceful passing.”