People have strong feelings about what they think about cooking. People will believe what they want to believe, even if it has to do with how you cook something or how clean it is.
You should always look at the other side of a cooking practice to see if there is something you can learn from it, no matter what you think about it.
What’s the word on this one again? Should you wash your ground meat before cooking it? Another thing that most people who cook don’t agree on is this. Read on to find out what professionals may have to say about the matter.
An important question that many people have strong feelings about is whether or not to wash ground beef before cooking it. Or should you wait until it’s done cooking?
Some people who cook at home think that ground beef needs to be rinsed before it is cooked. These people think that this lowers the fat content, which is great for people who are watching their weight or the amount of fat they eat.
People who don’t think ground beef should be rinsed before cooking say that washing it takes away most of its taste. While washing chopped meat gets rid of the fat, it also makes the meat taste and feel less moist. Some people say that this makes the dish dry and boring.

Then there’s the matter of how to wash your ground beef. Not only can cleaning something make a mess because of the splashing water, but it can also damage the pipes.
Most people and homeowners know that putting fat down the drain can make it hard for water to flow. When fat hardens, it can make it hard for water to drain, and if you keep doing it, it can cost a lot to fix. If you still want to wash your meat, you should wait for the fat to harden before you scrape it off and throw it away.
The USDA says that you don’t need to wash ground beef because all the germs are killed when you cook it to a high enough temperature. Also, they say that washing the raw meat could spread germs and bacteria to the kitchen table, which could make people sick if it is not properly cleaned.
Anyway, it’s up to you whether you want to wash your ground beef or not. In general, what do you choose to do? Tell us in the comments, and please share this with anyone else who might be worried.