Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World
When a young boy died in a car crash, he says he went to heaven. After being resuscitated, he came back with a message he says Jesus gave him to share with the world — and he wants everyone to hear it before it’s too late.
Landon Whitley was in the backseat, riding home from church with his mom and dad, on October 19, 1997, when tragedy struck “I didn’t see what he was yelling at. I didn’t see the ambulance coming, but I remember him yelling.
That was the last thing I heard from him,” Julie Kemp, Landon’s mom recalled, according to Fox New. The “he” she is referring to was her husband Andy, and the ambulance she speaks of broadsided their car in an intersection.
Landon was just 8 years old when the ambulance, returning to its station, T-boned his family’s car at an intersection. His dad died instantly. Rescuers stabilized Julie but didn’t realize Landon was also in the car. “They couldn’t see his body because of the damage that was done to the driver’s side of the car and Landon was sitting behind his dad,” Julie explained.
When they saw Landon’s shoe, however, they began to search for a child’s body, CBN reported.

The family’s car
They eventually found Landon, but he wasn’t breathing. Resuscitation efforts began immediately, then he was life-flighted from the scene. He died two more times that day. Each time, he was brought back to life, but he wasn’t out of the woods.
“They told me that if he lived, which did not look good, but that if he lived, that he would be like an 8-year-old baby,” Julie recalled . “He would not know how to walk or talk or to eat because of all the brain damage. I was so desperate that that was okay.
I would take that just to have him. He was all that I had.”
As her son fought for his life, Julie had to lay her husband to rest. At his funeral, she admits that she felt abandoned by God.
“I was very disappointed, heartbroken. And when I’m sitting at the funeral I’m fussing at God. I don’t understand why this happened,” she said. “I don’t understand why He didn’t send angels to protect us. But in the very next breath, I’m praying as hard to Him as I’ve ever prayed in my life for Landon to live.”

Landon Whitley.

Landon Whitley.
Although Landon suffered massive head trauma during the accident and was left in a coma, hooked up to all kinds of machines to keep him alive, after two weeks, the boy opened his eyes — an answer to Julie’s prayers.