Talented people exist in the world around us and sometimes, all you have to do is look around and you will see someone who has a hidden talent. Perhaps you have a talent as well, and you enjoy sharing it with others from time to time.
Every once in a while, however, we see talent in somebody that is completely unexpected. I’m sure that’s how many people felt when Natalie Trayling sat down at a piano in Melbourne on the street and began playing beautiful music.

Natalie may be an older woman, but she has dreams of sharing her music with others and she has been doing this on the street for many years. The song that she played in the clip we have for you below is one that she wrote herself when she was just a young teenager.
We all have something that we do to make ourselves feel good, and Natalie plays piano on the streets each and every day in order to share her talent with others. She says that she loves performing and is something she needs to do each day. She needs to be out among people, among life.
Perhaps the most touching thing is when she said that when she’s out there, she feels that she is at one with the world and it brings her a lot of joy. I’m sure that none of us would deny her the joy of performing in such a way.

Although Natalie has been performing on the streets for many years, not many people knew about her, aside from those who would see her as they passed by. When her son posted a video of her performing in Melbourne, however, more than 9 million people have watched it on social media.
Despite the fact that she is 85, she continues to have a lot of passion about her music and she follows it. It’s inspiring to see someone who has this amount of love for the music they share.