Girl Born With Spots On Her Face, What Happened To Her Years Later Surprised Everyone

This little girl was born with spots on her face. At first, her parents thought it was just a birthmark, but when they went to the doctor, they learned the terrible truth 

 What happened to the girl years later amazes everyone 

Rebecca Callahan’s pregnancy in 2012 was complicated, and due to excess fluid around the baby, doctors decided to deliver her baby early.

No one knew anything was wrong with little Matilda until about half an hour after she was born.

When she was born, she had a large blue spot on her face that had spread to one side of her body. At first, doctors thought it was just a hematoma – then they admitted they were wrong.

Only 30 minutes after birth, doctors informed the parents that it was a birthmark.

Two weeks after birth, Matilda was diagnosed with Sturge-Weber syndrome, a very rare neurological skin disorder that can cause paralysis, learning difficulties and seizures.

Matilda quickly became so ill that she was hospitalized.

In a matter of days, the parents’ happiness turned into extreme anxiety. They didn’t know if they would ever see their daughter alive again.

It also turned out that Matilda had two holes in her heart.

But she was a real little fighter, and although the chances of survival were small, the operation was a success.

Matilda has also undergone laser treatment to remove her unusual birthmark, but it could take up to 16 years for it to completely disappear.

Despite regular painful laser removal procedures, Matilda was a truly happy girl.

But many people were staring at Matilda and her birthmark.

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