A restaurant called Gross’ burgers located in Danville is now receiving thousands of negative comments on social media due to a bumper sticker in the restaurant that has been deemed racist.
The bumper sticker went viral after a customer shared a picture of the restaurant saying it was “absolutely disgusting.” The restaurant owner has since refused to remove the controversial bumper sticker.
However, the customer who shared the picture of the restaurant is still disgusted about it. Sam Schnelle’s post had more than 800 shares on Facebook with the caption “f— Grossburgers. Absolutely disgusting.” Schnelle later said that she had called the restaurant so they could remove the sticker, but she didn’t receive a positive response:
“They then handed the phone to the manager who said, we are most certainly not taking it down. YOU PEOPLE are too sensitive nowadays. And then proceeded to argue with whatever recommendations/points I made and then hung up on me,” she said, “Nice.”