11 Signs You Are About to Die That You Can Notice Yourself

It’s a question that crosses everyone’s mind: how do you know when your time is near, and what does it look like? While the thought may seem frightening, recognizing the 11 signs you are about to die can help prepare individuals and their loved ones for what’s to come. Hospice experts, such as Julie McFadden, highlight key indicators that often occur months, weeks, or even hours before passing, especially during a natural death.

1. Lack of AppetiteAs the body requires less energy, a person near the end of life may lose interest in eating or drinking. This is one of the earliest signs you are about to die, often occurring one to two months before passing. Keeping their lips moistened with balm can help ensure they remain comfortable.

2. Increased SleepIn the weeks leading to death, individuals may sleep more as their body conserves energy. Despite this, hearing remains one of the last senses to diminish, so it’s advised to speak softly and respectfully to the individual.

3. Changes in Toilet HabitsReduced food and fluid intake leads to less frequent bowel movements. In some cases, individuals may lose control of their bladder or bowels, which requires medical support to manage.

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