Jesus is seen in the clouds daily globally as a testrun to reassure people eagerly awaiting His imminent coming Rapture to get ready. World events unfolding set the stage being prepared for Rapture of believers praying as God’s faithful remnant elect to go to heaven.
In depth detail features depict Jesus as accurately seen by people in these vivid Images. Jesus is playing guitar in clouds as some people report hearing heavenly music. So often heavenly choir is heard on earth.
Many people report in the news seeing face of Jesus in communication in NASA picture from space hubble telescope. So amazing God’s relentless Love of all mankind to take notice to change before it is too late. God wants all people saved.
Jesus seen by many almost symbolically showing winnowing fork process sifting of wheat from chaff to alert all people to heed God’s to repent before it is too late. Every single day God Reveals miracles to save, heal and deliver in Jesus Name.