Vice President Kamala Harris has refused to hold a formal press conference since President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid last month and essentially anointed her his successor, which has begun to frustrate reporters who have been trying to get access to her since.
Their frustration appeared to boil over this week as she approached Air Force Two in Michigan and decided to take a few questions for a change while several reporters shouted at her, leading her to chastise them: “Calm down!”
Here’s how the exchange went:
Q Madam Vice President!
Q Madam Vice President!
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I’m coming over there. Calm down!
Q She’s like, “I’m coming.” (Laughter.)
Q President Trump had a press conference today. He talked about a lot of things. Wondering if you have a reaction to what he talked about.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m glad that he’s finally agreed to a debate on September 10th. I’m looking forward to it and hope he shows up.
Q Are you open to more debates?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I am happy to have that conversation about an additional debate for after September 10th, for sure.
Q He proposed two more — two more debates.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Like I said, happy to have that conversation.
Q Why do you think he pulled out of the debate with you? Why do you think he’s —
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I am beyond trying to speculate about how he thinks.
What else?
Q Can you comment on some of his other criticisms? He made a whole litany of them today.
Q Some of them are about your —
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I was too busy talking to voters. I didn’t hear them.
Q Some of the criticism has been about your vice presidential pick and his leaving the National Guard at 24 years. Vance said that he deserted his own troops or his own colleagues. What’s your take on that?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Listen, I praise anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country, and I think that we all should.
Q Madam Vice President, there’s been a lot of questions about when you’re going to sit down for your first interview since being the nominee.
Q Do you have any update on that?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I’ve talked to my team. I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month.
AIDE: Thank you.
Okay. Thank you.
Q What do you make of all the attacks on your husband’s faith?

A trusted polling analysis website posted some good news for former President Donald Trump on Friday, showing that, as of right now, he is headed for a comfortable electoral college victory over Vice President Kamala Harris.
Tom Bevan, the co-founder and president of RealClearPolitics, cited the average polling from several surveys published this week to determine that Trump is on pace to win 287 electoral votes while Harris is at 251. In order to win the presidency, 270 electoral votes are required.
“Current RCP No-Toss Up Electoral map: Harris 251, Trump 287. Pennsylvania gets her to 270. Without it, she’d need to win two more states – one of which would have to be GA or NC. Winning AZ+NV would leave her at 268,” Bevan wrote on X, along with a U.S. map graphic showing the breakdown.